A Vision for the Arthurs Seat Parklands
Professor Jeff Floyd is the founding CEO and former Chair of Parks Victoria. In March 2021, he put his name to our open letter calling on the Ross Trust to abandon its plans for the new quarry on Arthurs Seat. Since signing that letter, Professor Floyd has been working independently on a solution for this highly controversial proposal that would deliver a win for the environment, and for the Ross Trust.
Professor Floyd’s proposal, A Vision for the Arthurs Seat Parklands, involves:
the creation of a continuous habitat and wildlife corridor across the Arthurs Seat escarpment, incorporating the Arthurs Seat State Park and land owned by the Ross Trust
the creation of the Roy Everard Ross Nature Sanctuary on the site of the proposed new quarry. This would be a safe haven for endangered wildlife, a showcase for conservation best practice and a place to celebrate the spiritual meaning and use of this land by the Traditional Owners
the creation of the Roy Everard Ross Environment Centre on its current operational Hillview Quarry site (once operations cease). This would include a Traditional Owner cultural history interpretive space, a Roy Everard Ross profile space, a forest therapy facility, eco-accommodation pods, walking and nature therapy trails into the surrounding State Park, and environmental and cultural education programs for the community
State Government acquisition (compulsory or via negotiation) of the Ross Trust properties. There are many precedents for this course of action and sale proceeds would allow the Trust to exit quarrying and focus on its philanthropic work.
Professor Floyd’s proposal has been sent to the Ross Trust and State politicians.
The Peninsula Preservation Group, on behalf of Save Arthurs Seat, strongly supports Professor Floyd’s proposal and we urge you to read the report.
The full report can be read here.