Tell them to get with the times, this is not on
The Ross Trust is a philanthropic charity that derives around 13% of its income from the operation of Hillview Quarries and the remainder from its large investment portfolio. The Trust has a stated mission of “enhancing biodiversity for the sustainability of Victoria’s native flora, fauna and ecosystems”.
A massive new quarry is fundamentally incompatible with this mission, given the site's:
high conservation value
its attachment to the State Park
its significance for supporting regional biodiversity
its location within a thriving tourism industry underpinned by the region's natural attractions and
its close proximity to residents, businesses, the Red Hill Consolidated (Primary) School and an early learning centre.
Its actions in pushing ahead with this proposal in the face of overwhelming community opposition is also incompatible with its self-professed commitment to act ethically.
Join us in telling the Ross Trust to withdraw its quarry application.
The Ross Trust
Ground Level, Suite 2
43 Agnes Street
East Melbourne VIC 3002
In your email, you may wish to:
Ask the Ross Trust to honour its guiding ethical principles in this instance
To shift from its bygone mindset of exploiting any reserves it has at its disposal
To withdraw its application so that it can "create positive social and environmental change so Victorians can thrive," as per its mission.
A charity doing what?!
You can take your concerns about the Ross Trust proposal further by contacting the Australian Charities and Not-for Profits Commission (ACNC), the regulator of Australian charities. The Commission says it will act when it deems there is “serious risk to public trust and confidence in the sector”.
Specifically, concerns raised could relate to the Ross Trust’s entitlement for charitable status given the new quarry proposal is fundamentally incompatible with the Ross Trust’s own mission of protecting the environment.
Concerns can be raised through the ACNC website.
You will need to quote the Ross Trust ABN:
85 771 551 845
Some points you could mention:
The Ross Trust was created via the bequest of Roy E Ross, the original owner of Hillview Quarries. When he died in 1970, Ross insisted that the protection and preservation of Australian flora and fauna would be a major focus of the Trust
The proposed quarry is at odds with the Ross Trust’s mission to "enhance biodiversity for the sustainability of Victoria’s native flora, fauna and ecosystems."
The Ross Trust cannot claim to be protecting the environment while simultaneously seeking to bulldoze, blast and mine a massive part of Arthurs Seat’s remnant bushland, native animal and plant habitat and pristine waterways
By trying to push through this quarry against major opposition, (at the time of writing, there are more than 38,000 signatures on a change.org petition) the Trust is causing considerable upset. This is not the action or impact expected from a registered charity.